Sexsibilityfestival this summer proudly presents: Matt Sinbad and Leanne Edwards, Unique Tantra
Matt Sinbad and Leanne Edwards, will, for the first time, join the Sexsibilityfestiva l – and we are so happy to present these wo...
Matt Sinbad and Leanne
Edwards, will, for the first time, join the Sexsibilityfestival – and we are so
happy to present these workshop leaders to you!
Matt Sinbad is the
creator of unique tantra… and sees tantra as an opportunity to connect us to our
– I work with
sexuality, because I simply love sex, says Matt. Sexual energi is our life
force energt and when cosciosly cultivated and directed it contains and
enormous amount of potential for healing and transformation.
– I
believe that the root cause of much of the disharmony on our planet today; be
that in individual relationships, cultures that have experienced extreme sexual
repression through religious indoctrination, or giant corporate companies
raping our earth for their own benefit, is a result of the suppression and/or
miss-use of sexual/lifeforce energy, says Lea. If part of our education
included the sacredness of sexuality, how to manage our energy; where it comes
from, how to hold it and where to direct it, and how to interact and
communicate consciously, our world would be a much healthier and happier planet
for our earthwalk experience.
So Matt
and Lea will bring some of that conscious connection to the festival.
years ago Matt vas involved in co-creating The New Tantra with Alex Vartman.
– After
leaving this tribe of centralised specific sexual and tantric practices to open
peoples sexuality I realised that the way we perceive and where we are at in
the moment of interaction is very individual and therefore the access into our
sexual opening is unique to each person. With that understanding I was inspired
to create a platform to support individuals and groups into their uniqueness,
to open through tantra their connection to spirituality and the sacredness of
remembers the moment when is sexual awakening began, som fifteen years ago, as
ha was choosing between life and death.
– I was guided
to find the answers to “what is love and what is tantra? This event marked the
beginning of a 15-year experiential journey into tantra, sacred sexual healing
and the meaning of love, a journey that continues today.
Lea sees
her whole life as a process of evolution. Five years ago she left everything in
her life befing to discover who she really was. And she started to get i
contact with shamansm and become a student at Fourwinds society.
– Then I
discovered that this healing journey was a process of unwrapping the present.
Shedding layer upon layer of past trauma, limited beliefs and social
programming because once we do this we realise that within each and every soul
is a divine spark that carries a vibration of who we are and what our purpose
is on earth. Our mind no longer decides or chooses as once the clouds of the
past are cleared we have direct connect to our soul, to the god/goddess within
and the that spark vibrates so strongly that we naturally attract to us
everyone and everything we meed to fulfil our purpose, which ultimately brings
us much joy, beauty and abundance.
discovered that everything is energy and that sexual energy is our life-force
– Since
then I have become more humble to life itself and now feel very connected to
our earth and nature. By resurrecting the divine feminine with the power of
unconditional love within myself and learning how to channel my sexual energy
has radically transformed what were once only spiritual concepts of
enlightenment into reality.
And Lea
discovered that she on her journey hade disconnected from her sexuality.
– I needed to revisit that age old
program that 'sex is separate from spirit' and I was ready to experience myself
through someone else and to share the joy of this journey on earth again. And
so the doors to sacred sexuality opened and it has been through the experiences
that I have had and continue to explore and expand that my greatest wish is
that every man and every woman on earth may enjoy the beauty, the sacredness
and the potential of tantric love-making that I have as part of their everyday
And to
the festival they like to bring an open heart, an mind and to be of
– There
is much joy in being able to share my gifts in a fun and playful way that
honours the sacredness of our sexuality.
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Jag deltar i bloggutmaningen #blogg100. Detta är dag 98.