
Ängsbacka tantrafestival: Being embraced by divine guidance

First time 100%-podden Live with amazing Åsa Kullberg. You can listen later this autumn, why not start to listen to the podcast right now? Many beautiful episodes.

I stand in a room filled with women.
It’s the second day of the tantra festival at Ängsbacka.
This day women and men are separated in the workshops.

And I dive into the feminine energy and I am to guide the women in an exercise.
I accept the divine guidance I get, since I myself, don’t really know what to say or do.

The microphone is handed over to me, and I am supposed to du something. At breakfast I had come up with the idea to guide the women into a space of meeting themselves and others from presence, and being aware of their boundaries.

And there I stand, surrounded by around 200 women. I ask for some music and then I hear my voice talking to the women, to my sisters. I am there, my whole being is there, and I know which words to say in the moment right before they are said.

It’s like I feel a golden cord to the divine presence, and I just surrender to the words that comes to me, not knowing what the next step in the process will be, not knowing what to say next. I do have an idea about how to end the exercise, but I don’t know the journey.

I let go of control. I surrender to the moment. As I guide my sisters I walk slowly thru the crowded room, doing the same exercise as I tell the sisters to do. It’s like I am swimming in an Ocean at the same time as I am witnessing the Ocean. I am in a space of super presence and of a total letting go. The words I write seems like paradoxes, but the experience was super aligned, with the feeling that I can really trust something that is so much greater than my self. It was like I could rest in a divine embrace ... and really allowing in totality.

I meet sisters; I ask them to look at each other, to meet each other’s hearts and eyes. I ask them to be present with them selves and to be aware of when they are leaving them selves. I have no sense of time, but at a specific moment I know it’s time to give to microphone over to next workshop leader, and it happens so smoothly.

Some moments later I sit in a little sharing group. I am in a state of bliss, combined with a sense of playfulness. Life is really, really good, and from this state of happiness I share my experience of feeling guided by the divine... and I meet smiling loving faces from the sisters surrounding me.

Some hours later it’s time for me to be on stage with a guest. The first time I do a podcast interview in front of en audience. I feel the adrenaline running my system half an hour before the start. I breathe with the adrenalin and I know that energy and presence is needed in this meeting, to create the depth and the authenticity I hope for. And I know it’s impossible to even strive for perfection. What I need is our presence and a bit of playfulness. And it happens. We create a bubble together, inviting the audience to take part of it, and together we create it. I feel such a strong gratefulness, and I feel so vibrantly alive.

Thank you, thank you, thank you life for letting me take part of this magic.

Charlotte Cronquist is a warrior of love
Love is the answer


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Charlotte Cronquist

Charlotte Cronquist
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