100%-podden SPECIAL meet international love coach Mai Vu

The first time I heard some rumours about Mai Vu was four years ago. At that time I didn't even get her name. Or rather, I heard Maria Appelqvist speak about a workshop for women, that would make the participant feel their true power.
Today I know that the person Maria addressed was Mai Vu.
This spring another friend, Britta Sjöström, encouraged me to have a slight Skype conversation with Mai, and we did, we met for some brief minutes and I felt that this was a person I could talk with for ages. We went deep in just matter of seconds.
And last week I saw, on a friends Facebook wall, that Mai Was coming to Sweden, and I asked if she would visit Stockholm. One day later she sat in my sofa at the castle... and it felt like we had been friends for years.
Mai Vu found out that every woman has a peasant, a princess and a priestess within, and that she can live in totality when she is in contact with all these archetypes. We are born peasants and grow into the other roles, and in the podcast you will learn more about that.
Mai Vu has a special connection to Sweden, since it was here she held her first workshop around her concept four years ago, and since then she has returned here every year, coaching loads of swedish women longing for love, connection and personal power.
Meet Mai Vu in an energetic talk and know that you have the possibility to attend her workshop next weekend in Malmö - October 1-2. I know that it can be life changing! Do you want a hot life with hot love? Then go for it!
You can also get in contact directly with mai thru e-mail. Just write to mai at hotlifehotlove.com
Lyssna till podden i ljudspelaren:
This is a #100procentpodden SPECIAL in English. Most of the episodes are in Swedish, since that is my mother tongue, and since I live in Sweden.
I hope you enjoy the space I create and here are links to some of the other episodes in English. Feel free to tell the world about 100%-podden.
Estera Saraswati
Laurie Handlers
Andrew Barnes
Steven James
Baba Dez Nichols
Betty Martin
Charlotte Cronquist is a Swedish writer, blogger, coach deeply fascinated by the mystery and magic of life, of sexuality, spirituality and relationships. She calls herself a warrior of love and her heart tells her that love is the answer. On her blog there are several posts in English.