We live in dangerous times

Me: You try to make me say something I don't want to. I don't have a conversation like that. Our conversation is ended. Have a good life. HE: You are blocked. |
At a certain moment I am afraid. Fear is taking me. And the reason could be anything. Sometimes a thought can trigger my fear reactions.
And often this kind of fear is like thin air. It could be feelings of guilt and shame that occupy my mind.
And then there is danger. Danger is for real. Danger has to do with reality.
And now we live in dangerous times.
I hear some people say that fear is just mind-fucks, that there is little or nothing to fear, that the feeling of fear is made up in ones mind, build with ones fears, and maybe rooted in earlier experiences.
”Why do you worry, there is nothing to fear” a person could say, in that moment judging my fear as something inadequate.
And some of the fear is actually like that. I have feared public speaking, but I was never in danger. It was an internal feeling, and my fear was about making a fool of myself and be seen as ridiculous or weird. And this kind of fear is palpable, even though it’s not ”real”.
Today my fear is mixed with danger. And to me danger is something real.
If a person aims with a gun at me, I am in danger. My fear is real. It’s not just an idea in my head.
And now we live in dangerous times.
As I watch the atrocities happening in the war in Ukraine, I see fear and danger. It’s totally accurate to avoid danger, and to me it’s also accurate to worry about the war, since danger is present.
I mean, Putin is a dangerous person. To threat Europe with nuclear arms is fearsome, and no one (more than maybe the dictator himself) knows if he would use these weapons or not.
So fear is active in my system, in my body, and in my mind. And I think that my fear is reasonable, since we are actually in danger.
Let’s embrace ourselves and everyone that are afraid today. It’s not just a mind fuck. The war is happening.
I try not to be paralyzed by that fear. That’s why I am addressing it. I am a human being, caring for other human beings, and I am also afraid. I need to acknowledge that, not just hide my fear and say: ”This isn’t for real, you just create fear in your mind.” And as I talk about fear and danger, they become visible, and that makes it more possible to act.
For the first time in my life, I feel a direct threat towards myself, my world, my freedom, and then I look around and see that this war also i threatening so much more. What will happen to our societies?
One of the things I consider dangerous is misinformation and fake news. The war scares the shit out of me and it’s terrible to watch people spreading disinformation and totally questioning what the established medias are reporting. I fear the ones living in an alternative reality, supporting Putin and other dictators, while spreading their picture of what is happening.
Some people advise me to not take part of what is reported on the war. I disagree. I want to be informed - in portions. And todays portion is small, since I tend to feel devastated watching whats going on.
And I trust real journalists working for traditional media, having education, having an ongoing discussion about ethics, following laws etc. If I chose to believe the alternative reality, the fake news, the lies that flourish in Social media, I guess I would go crazy. I am about to clean out some of that stuff from my social media plattforms.
Yesterday I wrote a piece about my feelings around the war. A person started to bombard me with Putin propaganda. I deleted the comments. He blocked me. I was happy for that. And still. Something that really hits me hard is how so many people rather believe fake news, than those reported in the ordinary medias.
We live in dangerous times.
Charlotte Cronquist is a love warrior
Love is the answer
#war #fear #danger #fakenews #propaganda #love #peace #trust #truth #reality #feelings #motions #sadness #afraid #hope #lovewarrior