
Homo Amorus: Having peace in mind

This morning I woke up and heard the word peace several times. It was like a whisper from my heart. And then I felt it with every heartbea...

This morning I woke up and heard the word peace several times.
It was like a whisper from my heart.
And then I felt it with every heartbeat for a while.
Peace, peace, peace and love, love and peace, peace from within.
And I melted into a feeling of stillness, and still feeling the rhytm of my heart.

Lately I have met a lot of turbulence. I have met a lot of projections, of anger, of sadness, of people trying to sell their guilt to others.
And at moments it felt like being in a tornado, un till I finally found that silent place in the eye of the storm. The place of stillness. I found it in my heart. I felt my inner peace. And I knew that it’s my decision to choose whether I will fight projections, or if I will let it pass by me.
In a way one could say that I found my shield. I could sit there and here the harsh words, but I didn’t have to act on them, or react to them.
And finally I made that choice. I can create peace within me. And from peace there is a possiblity feel my love within. And then I can spredad love and peace to the world.
I cannot, in this moment, embrace all the fear I meet in other people. I would drown in that fear. But I can choose not to fight, not to argue, not go in war, to choose love instead of fight. And I hope that my love will spread, that fearridden people can absorb some of my love, to be more peaceful themselves.
And my truth is that the more love I feel, the more peaceful I feel, the more I can let it spread... I am part of a peace and love-movement.
I guess thats why I saw the birth of Homo Amorus.
And inside my head I here the old Beatles and John Lennons songs:
All we need is live... and Give peace a chance.

Peace and love, friend.


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