
Sexsibilitytraining, the teachers Lars Maria Norén

I am happy to present Lars Maria Norén who is going to teach in the module on daoist sexuality in the sexsibilit...

I am happy to present Lars Maria Norén who is going to teach in the module on daoist sexuality in the sexsibility training in August 2013.

Lars Maria is Sexsibility coach, Qigong Instructor, breathing teacher and has among other things, participated in various courses and workshops in conjunction with other Sexsibility coaches.
In the education, he will participate in the module on Taoist sexuality and lead the wonderful lecture "Fun without spurt" on male sexuality and how to have sex without coming. 
– As a Sexsibility coach my starting point is the conviction that you, the client, has all the answers needed. Your body is wise and your heart knows what to do. My role in your growing, healing and development is in the loving presence to open up a "room" that is so safe that you can be insecure in it and begin to face what needs to be dealt with. To begin to do what you can - what is possible - and start living life more vividly, honestly and present.  

Lars Maria why do you work with sexuality?
Sex(uality) our most primal... life force and power source. As such it's a very powerful tool for personal growth and expansion. But the bottom line is that I've always been very interested in sex(uality) for its own sake: deepest pleasure.

Is there a specific moment in your life that you would like to share. A moment where you decided “your path”?
No, my path is made up as I go along.

How did you choose your field, your perspective (for example tantra, conscious kink, breathwork)?
I don't choose, it chooses me.

How has working with sexuality changed your life?
It has changed just about everything.

What insights would you like to share with the participants?
Sharing insights can become theory and a lot of talking. I prefer doing, for example qigong. And hopefully that leads to insights for those doing qigong. Insights in the head as a thoughts, or in the body as a profound feeling equally clear as a thought but with no need for words. What kind of insights depends on what you need to know.

What perspective do you plan to bring into the Sexsibility training?
Sexuality influenced by Daoism.


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