Karina Velasco is pure energy. I look her in the eyes and meet a passionate being. To me, she is, at the first glimpse, a fellow t...
Karina Velasco is pure energy. I look her in the eyes and meet a passionate being.
To me, she
is, at the first glimpse, a fellow traveler.
Later I
understand that she is so much more. In Mexico and on the U.S. Westcoast she
has star qualities in many areas. Writing bestsellers on nutrition, yoga and
sacred sexuality, being a master chef, doing television shows, filling the
media with articles about everything she likes, from fitness to orgasmic
I am a part
of a workshop where Karina leads the group through different feelings while
dancing and connecting to others in the room. Karina herself is an active part
of the workshop, bringing her energy into it, spreading the energy in the room
and creating a space where I am able to feel, in totality.
I am very
aware of her presence, and in some moments, she can just melt into being, and
in other, she takes space. It’s like watching a soft wave of energy, sometimes
foaming and sometimes just resting.
when I meet a person who is a celebrity, I get confused, and caught in the
pictures I have seen, or the ideas I have created about this person. But Karina
I meet innocent and curious as a small child, as I hadn’t heard about her
before we met.
And what
makes me love her is her energy, and that energetic gaze she has. I am totally
convinced that she is able to conquer the world with her message of love,
energy, passion and joy.
What I see
is a person who loves her life, and seems to have an endless amount of energy,
to create new projects all the time. Having a background in doing many
tv-shows, being on the placards of lots of magazines, writing bestselling books
in Spanish and English, having a rawfood store in Mexico and being a passionate
part of ISTA – International School of Temple arts.
Having her roots in food, health and nutrition, Karina felt that something was missing.
– I still felt a lot of shame around sexuality.
And she started to explore tantra and sexual energy.
– Now I know how to use energy to create full body expansion. And I want to create a space where people feel self love and can exclaim: I am amazing, I want juicyness and passion in my life.
And what she has learned on her tantric path is that every person is responsible for her orgasms.
– Orgasmic nutrition is about crating bliss, enjoying life and your sexlife. When you live your sexual energy you have the creative force to live your vision and your passion.
And, from my perspective, that is exactly what Karina Velasco does.
Now she is
about to take a tour of Europe. She is making stops in Berlin, to hold a
workshop called “From the sweet spot to the g-spot – nutrition for sexuality.
Then she
does a couple of workshops at The JoyRide Experience.
And next stop is England
and a women’s weekend workshop on the theme: Shine! Power, passion and love.
Facts about Karina Velasco
Karina Velasco natural foods chef and
holistic nutrition expert, yoga teacher, and sacred sexuality author, Karina regularly
contributes to magazines and television programmes across Latin America. Karina
currently teaches classes and intensive retreats in Mexico and the United
States as well as participating at conferences globally.
She frequently appears on the Televisa show
“Hoy” (“Today”), , “Un nuevo dia” Telemundo, CNN en español and “La cocina de”
in Unicable as well as in written press for Runners World, Glamour, Fuera Kilos
and Yoganews Mexico. Her books, “The Art of Healthy Living” and “ From the
sweet spot to the g spot” are published by Random House Grijalb now in English
and are best sellers in Mexico.
Karina’s new books “ Sexo Sagrado” and “Los
colores del amor” will be both published in English this fall 2014.
The JoyRide
Experience, a five day adventure with workshopleaders from many countries.
Hästveda, Sweden, August 9-14.
filled with love, sex and freedom to be you.”