The JoyRide Malmö - try love in action for only SEK 650
The Joyride Malmö is a newborn festival. It is born from the ashes of The Joyride Experience, which we were forced to cancel. More about t...

It is born from the ashes of The Joyride Experience, which we were forced to cancel. More about that here.
Now we create four days where you can feel free to be you - where the motto is love, sexuality, presence, awareness, respect, trust and freedom.
Come and join the workshops, meditation, performances, lectures, opportunities to chill out, hugging, just be, enjoy a coffee, meet old and new friends, do yoga or qigong.
The workshops include rebirthing, tantra, dance, sexual energy, daoist energy massage, play, flirt and of course a workshop on sex and shame.
Join the first day - try something completely new.
This might be something totally new to you.And because of that we will keep the door open to anyone the first day. For just 650 SEK you will be part of the first day, Sunday August 10th.
Choose from any workshop you want and get a nice vegetarian dinner.
The very first thing that happens after the grand opening, is a mandatory workshop setting your boundaries, led by Alexander, Calle Rehbinder and myself.
When we interact with others it's important to know our Yes's and No's and to be able to say them when needed. This workshop will be very useful - even if this will be your only experience of The JoyRide Malmö
Later in the afternoon and evening there are a total of 6-7 workshops to choose from.
Meet the legendary Baba Dez Nichols, world-renowned in the field of sexual freedom. This is an exclusive opportunity, since this is Dez first workshop in ever.
Meet Kicki Nordström and dance ecstatically.
Meet Sarasai Johansson and learn the art of flirting in a playful way.
Try breathwork with Rani Spets Edgren, Bo Wahlström or Sofia Sjöblom - who together leads breathwork trainings in several countries.
Meet Alexander and Charlotte Rudenstam in an energetic workshop on sex and shame.
Meet Silja Rehfeldt, who calls herself a "warrior of bliss" in a workshop that shows you how to use your body to enjoy more.
End the evening with dancing to five rhythms with American Eugene Hedlund, or slow down and devote yourself to just be, massage or chitchat.
The rest of the festival continues on the same theme.
The Joyride Malmö - love in action Augusti 10th to 13th
Early every morning there will be meditations, yoga or qigong.To create a safe container for you as a participant we will create small groups, sharing groups, where you can confidentially share whatever is in the moment.Sharing is one way of releasing pressure, be seen and mirrored from the others in a small group. To many it's a vital part of a festival like this. During the day you will be able to join least three different workshops. And around 10 at night there will be dancing or a performance.
You find the preliminary program here.
The JoyRide Malmö – love in action, is based on voluntary work. There are coordinators, volunteers, people who will put in a lot of work for you to get an experience that will make you feel more alive and see life with ease.
The JoyRide Malmö is a totalt drug and alcohol free event. When we meet to try out new things, and where being close and intimate with others, it's crucial that the participants are really present. The lack of drugs creates a safe space to all the participants and opens up to presence and awareness. From our experience the participants gets a "high" anyway - from their own experiences. The feel good hormone oxtycin will flow in the rooms.The venue - Tangopalatset
The Tangopalace, is awonderful venue to use. There is a big hall, where hundreds of people can gather, and there are several other rooms where there will be different workshops. There is also a restaurant, a café and places to chill out and be with friends.Depending on what happens and the amount of participants some of the workshops may happen else ware.
You know the old saying: The more the merrier... And we will expand out in to the city.
I don't know what you're talking about and are curious to know more!
Follow this link - where you meet some of the workshop leader, articles and the media attention we've met.
I want to buy my ticket now.
You can do so here - welcome to the world of love.
If during the festival wish to receive massage or other bodytherapey, it will, for a fee, be possible.
The JoyRide Malmö - love in action short version:
What: A festival on the theme: "Life filled with love, sex and freedom to be you." 30+ workshops, dance, breathwork, meditation, qigong, yoga, meetings, hugs, love, presence.Where: Tangopalatset, Amiralsgatan 17, Malmö
When: August 10-13, 2014
Price: Whole festival SEK 2995, vegetarian food SEK 850.
Special: Join the first day to try it out: SEK 650 including dinner.
Organizers: Alexander and Charlotte Rudenstam, coaches, authors, artists, body therapists, lovers, project managers living in Malmö.
A warm welcome
Charlotte and Alexander