
100%-podden ENGLISH SPECIAL: Meet Andrew Barnes passionate about tantra

Now and then within the 100% concept, there will be a SPECIAL in English, where I meet gourgeous people who loves life. This i the very first episode in English and the person you are going to meet is Andrew Barnes, spreading knowledge about tantra around the world.

This australian guy is always on the move, I guess his home is his backpack, and this summer you will have the possibility to meet him in Sweden in late July, beginning of August.

I made this interview at Villa Sumaya in Guatemala December 2013, when I attended a training which he was facilitating together with other love birds, such as Araminta Barbour and Baba Dez Nichols.

At the time the keyword for me was passion... so there starts this interview. Then I thought I would start a podcast purely in English on the passion theme... and who knows... maybe that will come later on.

I was in Guatemala to do the ISTA Level 1 - or SSSE - Spiritual sexual shamanic experience. And it is to facilitate the first training in Sweden Andrew Barnes is heading north. The training will happen August 3-9,and I will be one of the persons assisting in the training. Feel free to join this exciting adventure.

Learn more about Andrew Barnes world of tantra.

Join the ISTA Level 1 in Sweden.

In some browsers you can listen to the podcast here in the blogpost. If it's not possible in the browser you have chosen, search for "100%-podden" in the podcast app in your smart phone - or try this link.

If you want to join a world where you are invited to express yourself in totality, be one of the subscribers of 100%-podden. You can make the subscription in your smart phone app - just search for 100%-podden.

If you know of any persons you consider to be a person to meet with in the 100%-podden concept, please tell me.

Love and light


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Charlotte Cronquist

Charlotte Cronquist
Bloggen för dig som vill få ut det mesta av livet. Författaren och coachen Charlotte Cronquist lär dig hur du får bättre relationer och hur du kan älska livet mer. Blogposts in English available.


Charlotte Cronquist erbjuder onlinekurser om tantra och relationer.



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