
100%-podden SPECIAL: Elaine Young, tantric shaman

I first met Elaine Young in Guatemala, where I attended my first ISTA-training. It was quite and adventure to do that exploration in an, to me, unknown part of the world. Since then I have met this amazing shamanic breath worker several times. And now I got the opportunity to have a one on one conversation with her.

We meet in Ashwem beach in Goa, and as usual I met her openminded, curious and playful, with no questions prepared. And we went deep in this talk. If you know little or nothing about feminin and masculine energy, this is an opportunity to learn more. And what happens in you if you fear that someone could be disappointed at you? And what could be the reason for you feeling exhausted? And are you in contact with you personal power.... Well topics like that!

And it was amazing to sit in the warmth in India, having this meeting, experiencing how Elaine really found her answers from within, notice the little pause that sometimes happens between my question and her answer...

Here you can find more about Elaine Young.

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This is a #100procentpodden SPECIAL in English. Most of the episodes are in Swedish, since that is my mother tongue, and since I live in Sweden.

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I hope you enjoy the space I create and here are links to some of the other episodes in English. Feel free to tell the world about 100%-podden.


Andrew Barnes

Baba Dez Nichols

Betty Martin

Estera Saraswati

Laurie Handlers

Mai Vu

Mario Cosmico

Matt Schwenteck

Ohad Ezrahi

Silja Rehfeldt

Steven James

Charlotte Cronquist is a Swedish writer, blogger, coach deeply fascinated by the mystery and magic of life, of sexuality, spirituality and relationships. She calls herself a warrior of love and her heart tells her that love is the answer. On her blog there are several posts in English.


Playfullness. Love calendar 21

Look at yourself in the mirror and smile.  Take a jump when anyone can see you.  Chase a paper flying in the air, a snowflake or a butterfly.  Feel their lightness of being and come ...

Curiosity. Love calendar 20

What if you start being curious about anything?  What is breakfast?  What is eating?  What is drinking?  What is hunger?  What is thirst?  What is love?  What is ...

Excitement. Love calendar 19

What would happen if you met the world, not only as an explorer, as yesterday, but also with wonder?  What would you be excited about? What would happen if you choose to feel excited about wha...

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Charlotte Cronquist

Charlotte Cronquist
Bloggen för dig som vill få ut det mesta av livet. Författaren och coachen Charlotte Cronquist lär dig hur du får bättre relationer och hur du kan älska livet mer. Blogposts in English available.


Charlotte Cronquist erbjuder onlinekurser om tantra och relationer.



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