What the fuck is ”living your potential”?

Or rather striving for living their potential.
But how would you know you’ve lived it?
Who are the judges?
Is it possible to get style points, like in some sports?
Sometimes some words seems, at a first glance, as something true or very important.
Yes, I wanna live my potential.
But what is my potential?
How do I measure my potential?
And what if I fail?
Does my life then become meaningless?
Sometimes it’s like a mantra.
Live your potential.
Live your potential.
Live your potential.
What are we searching when we are using such a mantra?
Is it a hope for finding a potential?
Is it a way to push your self harder?
Is it a way to make us leave our bodies and go straight to the head.
What is potential really?
Maybe a buzzword like that could be helpful, take someone from lethargy to action?
And maybe talking about potential creates the opposite? A sense of frustration? Like trying to grab a soap that slips out of your hand?
If we often use buzzwords like this, isn’t it also a risk that we start a sort of inner blame game, that in the end could lead to victimhood?
What if living a life you love, is totally alright.
What if it’s okay to be bored at times.
What if it’s okay to play a bit.
What if living your potential rants doesn’t serve me?
Charlotte Cronquist is a warrior of love
Love is the answer