
Sexsibility festival proudly presents: Rebirth into bliss with Silja Rehfeldt

We are so happy to announce that Silja Rehfeldt , midwife, dakini and warrior of bliss is coming to the sexsibility festival and l...

We are so happy to announce that Silja Rehfeldt, midwife, dakini and warrior of bliss is coming to the sexsibility festival and lead her workshop ”Rebirth into bliss.”

”Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.”
Joseph Campell

– We are made out of sexual energy, says Silja Rehfeldt.
She wants to encourage us to use our strongest energy and simplify all parts of live: To feel our sexual energy.

Silja Rehfledt joins the sexsibility festival for the first time this year.
– I alwats knew about the beauty, the magic, the mystical, the unknown, the power and the presence of our core, our life source energy, Silva says.

When she works as a midwife, she works on the source, our Godgiven capacity to be naturally ecstatic.

– Being part of transformation and integration of sexuality and spirituality every day, it naturally started to expand into my work as Dakini. That gives me axcess to serve women, men, give couples the space to reset, to heal, explore and find their own truth, passion and path and live their full potential.

Silja Rehfeldt has created Unitedbliss, and their philosophy is to unite unique people. And she means that when we meet we can share views, opinions, colors, touch, healing, love, information, experiences, science, space, support, magic, spirituality, sexuality to create a world based on LOVE.

­– Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you. Unitedbliss gives me enormous space to breath and to create anything, in any direction.

So why did Silja Rehfeldt choose this path? As I interpret her, she means that universe was her guide. The universe made her follow the call to become a midwife, then giving birth, being raped and then having two near death experiences.

– That guided me very clearly to a point where I completely accepted and started following my passion, my path and artform of living as a midwife, dakini and warrior of bliss.

Today, she tells me, her daily life is in constant free fall.
– I trust and surrender.

And if you join her workshop you will explore her presence, her love for you all, her humor and what she can share to support and hold space.

Feel welcome to join the unitedbliss!

I am what I am.
In having faith in the beauty within me,I develop trust.
In softness I have strength.
In silence I walk with the gods.
In peace I understand myself and the world.
In conflict I walk away.
In detachment i am free.
In respecting all living things, I respect myself.
In dedication I honour the courage within me.
In eternity I have compassion for the nature of all things.
In love I unconditionally accept the evolution of others.
In freedom i have power.
In my individuality, I express the God-Force within me.
In service I give of what I have become.
I am what I am : eternal, immortal, universal and infinite.
And so be it.
”The Warrior Prayer”

Join the sexsbility festival. Buy your ticket here.


Sexsibilityfestival this summer proudly presents: Matt Sinbad and Leanne Edwards, Unique Tantra

Matt Sinbad and Leanne Edwards, will, for the first time, join the Sexsibilityfestival – and we are so happy to present these workshop leaders  to you! Matt Sinbad is the creator of u...

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