
Dive in to a world of breath, with a dreamteam of breathworkers, at The JoyRide Experience.

For many years I took breathing for granted. And then I met people who told me about the magic of breathing, and the possibility to us...

For many years I took breathing for granted.
And then I met people who told me about the magic of breathing, and the possibility to use breathing in a more conscious way.
Breathing as a way of living, breathing as a tool to release pain, to get in contact with feelings, to feel more pleasure or to come to stillness.
And I started to breath with awareness... and since then I feel so much more alive.

We bring an amazing team of breathworkers to The JoyRide Experience. Bo Wahlström, Rani Spets Edgren and Sofia Sjöblom have teached breath for ages, in many countries, and know they provide a series of workshops - where you can choose to attend one, some or all, and make the experience a breathing adventure.

And I know of people who are drawn to The JoyRide Experience, because they know this is a good opportunity to really get in touch with deeper levels of themselves.

So just stop for a moment, close your eyes and take a deep breath.

Breathwork is a collective name for all kinds of breathing techniques, taught by different teachers for different purposes. Common to all is the use of our ancient knowledge that a deliberate modification of our breath will affect and change our Life energy, Prana, Ki, Chi, Libido, or whatever we like to call this primary impulse to exist. It is the ultimate difference between a living and a dead body.

Breathwork has been used for body purification, physical and mental release of tensions, for deeper meditation and maintenance of health, for exploration of our mind and for contact with the spiritual side of our nature, and not the least in order to reach an experience of the presence when the mind becomes silent. 

Contemporary breathwork is mainly used as a tool for personal development and for a deeper, psychodynamic therapeutic process. Since we, with our breath as a tool, invite life energy itself to grow and spread into our being, we also get access to unprecedented resources and zest for life.

”The Joyride experience is a laboratory, training-field, gym, play ground”. 

– Our contribution to this kaleidoscopic event is breathing exercises in several forms, for inspiration and direct contact with the original, invigorating and pulsating energy that inspires us to grow from inside out, says Bo Wahlström.
Bo, Rani and Sofia has created an impressing series of workshop, and, reading thru their plans... allow yourself to be inspired.

Sunday 10/8
Morning: Dynamic Breath - Rani

Our human nature includes EVERYTHING between pulsating dynamics and deepest stillness. With breathing, movement and music we will make this a journey into our dynamic nature.

Afternoon: More presence and energy at all times - Sofia
How much do you breathe in everyday life? 
How do you breathe when you're stressed or tensed about something? 
How would it be if you could increase your energy and presence when you need it the most?

Evening: A holistic view on Breathwork - Bo

Today we are faced with constant stream of new ways to use breathwork for physical and emotional health as well as spiritual development. A series of breathing techniques from older cultures are also made available to us. 
What opportunities are opening up for us when this " life energy - tsunami" is unleashed? 
Do we withdraw, stay and go with the flow or fight back and sink. 
The flow of life is challenging, redemptive, sensualising, presence creating and is the origin of everything that moves. 
Come and let yourself be moved.

Monday 11/8
Morning: Breathing for lust in life - Sofia
Increase the intensity of presence, intimacy and sensuality with your breath, feel the lust and expand all of YOU.

Afternoon: Rebirthing / Liberating Breath - Bo

Rebirthing was developed four decades ago and has been used by millions of people worldwide. In Sweden, the method was named Liberating Breath to describe its ability to release our deepest traumas and to access repressed body memories from the womb and around birth, enable to bring forth a genuine presence and approach to life. 
Allow breath to become completely unobstructed and early imprints to be released for the sake of life itself.

Evening: Deep inner stillness - Rani
Maybe memories in our mind try to make us believe that silence is boring and uninteresting. But the EXPERIENCE of deep stillness is a state with vibrant life, creativity and full of energy.

Tuesday 12/8
Morning: Breathing & Quality Presence - Bo
Being present is the most repeated mantra of today. 
The practice of Quality presence is the key to any successful therapy or coaching, all good consultations and any beneficial personal development. It supports ourselves and enriches each meeting. To be seen and to be confirmed is a deep and basic human need.

Afternoon: Holotropic-inspired breath - Rani
In Holotropic-inspired breath a dynamic and open flow of energy is in focus. Welcome to an afternoon with MUCH OF YOU!

Evening: A greater meeting with yourself and others - Sofia
Breathe into another person's eyes. 
Expand, stop and discover what happens to you in different meetings.

Wednesday 13/8
Morning: Gather yourself in your own center - Sofia
Simply be with what is going on in you and everything that happened these days. Get the opportunity to really observe what is happening and let it take ground in the right place so that feelings and softness can remain alive even when you leave from here.

Afternoon: Integration - Rani, Sofia and Bo
Integration is the art of making all the parts of you into a one whole being. While we grow we always find new sides and unsuspected depths in ourselves. Let all the new experiences integrate into a more whole and broader understanding of who you are. Integration provides a relaxed flow of life and clarity of mind.

The JoyRide Experience, Hästveda August 9-14
Life filled with love, sex, and freedom to be you.

More about The JoyRide Experience.
More about the preliminary program.
Oh, yes, I buy my ticket now.


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