
Eugene Hedlund brings rhythms and raw passion to The JoyRide Experience

Eugene Hedlund is standing behind his computer, headset on an rocks with the music only he is hearing. Here and now he creates a musica...

Eugene Hedlund is standing behind his computer, headset on an rocks with the music only he is hearing. Here and now he creates a musical journey where the participants has the possibility to feel a lot of emotions, meeting themselves and others on the dancefloor.
And even if the technique hassles, the smile never leaves his face. 
It's like he is accepting reality just as it is.
Later I meet him to make an interview on passion ... and I slowly understand why he is so calm, even when nothing works as planned.
And this amazing man is a part of The JoyRide Experience team of workshop leaders, bringing in dance, raw passion ... and what ever will happen in the moment.

When I meet him it's like his world has been turned upside-down, and even so, he is standing there, kind of steady, and accept what is.
As a fellow workshop leader I see him prepare his workshops, with small margins. It's as if he waits to feel his own energy, before he finally decides the content in the workshop. And then, when in the workshop room, everything can change... in the moment.

There is something liberating in watching Eugene Hedlund surrendering to the moment, with, as it seems, a happy heart. And later, when I meet him, microphone in hand, I have the opportunity to look into some deeper layers of him, when ha starts talking about his relation to passion. Because what I meet is a passion to meet the raw version of life, a raw passion where he chooses to let the world see him as he is, naked, vulnerable, exposing his shadow sides.

Nowadays I guess that Eugene Hedlund has transformed into a traveler, meeting life at festivals, workshops, groups, wherever he is called. Born american, he spends a lot of time in Europe this summer, being a part of the Tantrafestival at Ängsbacka, and at The JoyRide Experience.

Eugene Hedlund is a certified 5 Rhythms teacher and the founder of the SheddingSkins path of personal transformation and co founder of Tribal and Heart Centered Tantra.

And he loves dance because it  catalyzes our energy, so we may for a moment get out of the way and receive. Listen. Learn. The body is delivering constant wisdom. In the dance we learn the language to express self, so as to be expressed fully enough to make space in order to listen. Then the magic truly begins.

– For me the magic is in stillness. Not only the stillness at the end of a wave, but in between each beat, each breath, each heartbeat. In the deep pause I am the mystery. The dances allows me to move my story, not to have it heard, but to make space for what is underneath.

Who am I way below the my story of who I am? Beneath all the would, could, should, will, won't, am, am not...Who am I when stripped naked of all stories? Who am I in my most raw, present form?

The dance lifts the veil and shows us our truth. It is not always pretty. But it is always vital, real. In the end, for me, nothing else makes sense.

– I experience nothing in this lifetime, if I am not embodied. I experience nothing embodied, if I am not willing to be that raw. This is my gateway to such living. Everything else comes after.

Listen to Eugene talking about raw passion here.

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The JoyRide Experience - life filled with love, sex and freedom to be you.


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