
We welcome Shibari master Steven James to The JoyRide Winter

We welcome One of Europe's leading practitioners of Japanese style Rope Bondage. Steven James teaches, presents and performs the Japanese art form of Kinbaku, also known as Shibari to our minifestival The JoyRide Winter.

– My primary interest is now bondage for healing, or what I call sacred rope bondage. 
No matter what label I place around it, I regard this particular rope practice as conscious and sacred. It stands apart from the hedonistic styles as the primary emphasis is upon connecting spiritually, energetically and consciously with our partners(s)

“Remember the emphasis on the heart. The mind lives in doubt and the heart lives in trust. When you trust, suddenly you become centered.” ~ Osho
Australian born Steven currently based in Berlin, from where he teaches, perform and host workshops and the increasingly popular Sacred Rope Evenings. He is highly respected for his skills, high regard for those who come into his ropes, and overall philosophy about the healing energy of connective style Kinbaku/Shibari.

– It is my firm belief that there are some forms of Kinbaku style rope bondage and patterns that have within the inherent power to heal. They can do so by opening the body energetically so it becomes more receptive to the naturally occurring connective and healing energy that flows through us all. This energy when directed with specific intention, and the correct technique can heal the body, the mind and spirit, says Steven James.

He also believes that when consciously applied and directed sacred Rope Bondage can assist to heal relationships and wounded hearts by teaching us to trust and to surrender again where before there was only mistrust and resistance.

Minifestival taking place December 12-14, in nature, close to Flen, where we meet, eat, sleep, chill, workshop, and what ever our hearts guides us to.


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