Sexuality: Being heartfucked

And then I feel it, the presence of a heart fucker.
It’s a wonderful feeling, I just lay there in my bed, breathing and feeling the presence of a lingam, making love to my heart.
It’s a subtle feeling, and still it’s like my whole being is part of it I am entering new territories.
Strange as it may seem, it’s really not a dream. I feel this lingam entering my heart, it’s like it’s creating cavities that I didn’t know of, it’s like it has the possibility to enter deep inside of me, into my core.
At some moments I look into the eyes of the owner of the lingam, and my feeling is, that we are doing this together, that he melts into me, even though his physical body is miles away.
This heart lovemaking goes on, sometimes I drift of to sleep, and then, there it is again. It’s like I am part of a shamanic ritual, it’s as if we together are making love with each others energies, and that we, in this moment, don’t even need the physical contact. This meeting is real, but happens in another, ungraspable dimension.
The lingam helps to open my heart even wider. It’s as if time has come for me to really have an open heart, open to life, to pleasure, to hidden dimensions. It’s like this meeting creates a contact, not only through eyes and heart. I can also feel that my yoni is waking up and I feel a connection to the lotus, it’s as if this lovemaking is happening while we are floating in the Universe.
In the morning I light a candle and sit in meditation position. I feel my breathing, letting the breath be slow and deep. And there it is again, the connection with his eyes, the connections between lingam and heart. I put a hand on my yoni, I just let it rest there, to include all of me in this subtle love making, amazed by the magical world I live in and the realms I go enter deeper and deeper into. My being is opening to pleasure.