Sexuality: Time for deeper flow in Stockholm June 3-5 2016

He welcomes me with a big smile.
Then he askes me to lay down for a while.
We breathe together, we connect, we feel each others energy.
And then it's time to talk. In presence. With body, soul, and mind as part of the conversation. Then my interview with him started.
This was my first private meeting with Robert Silber. And soon you will have the possibility to meet him, in person.
Join a weekend of love June 3-5 in Stockholm.
He stands up in the middle of the Circle, slowly turning around, meeting the eyes of us all. It's a moment where he wants to be seen, and is recieved with love from our hearts.
To me it's a moment of love and vulnerability, it gives me a sense of him showing up, of a willingness to be a part of the group, of sharing gifts and of saying yes to this field of love.
And I see Robert Silber in this moment happening in Greece at the ISTA Core Gathering last autumn. To me that was a moment when I saw something beyond his handsome face, something beyond the smart guy who can make me laugh in a second, beyond the seducer, beyond my ideas of who he is.
It was as like his core was shown to me that short minute. I saw the being in him. The one that is soon coming to Sweden (for the first time) to share his gifts, his inspiration and his love to life and conscious sensuality.
Today, and since ten years, his travelling around the world to teach about sacred sexuality, sometimes on his own, and sometimes with legends like Margot Anand (happening soon in Ibiza). He spreads his embodied knowledge of conscious sensuality, and giving deeply transformative sessions filled with massage techniques like lomi lomi, that, cranial sacral and pelvic release.
But how did this happen? How did the hawaiian guy interested in perma culture end up working with sexuality?
One answer could be: He choose to meet his fears around sexuality, sensuality and relating instead of fleeing them.
He choose to live in an experimental community, where love was free and he learned to handle issues like jealousy, fear of abandonement and to feel in to what liberation free sexuality can have.
And while doing this inner transformation from fear to love he hade nor aim nor intention to end up as a teacher, his dedication made it happen, at his own pace.
Today he is part of the ISTA Faculty, leading ISTA- trainings, the next one home in Hawaii in January 2017, and before that The Hawaii Tantra festival.
In this moment he is travelling around Europe and making stops to teach countries like England, Estland, Germany ... and Sweden. He is inviting you to a weekend to feel a Deeper flow in life. And this invitation makes my body vibrate:
Discover the healing power of mindful, pleasurable touch within the context of a community of brothers and sisters dedicated to honesty, courage and personal growth. Expand your range of sensation and emotion and your ability to articulate with power and presence.
Learn how to give and receive full-body touch rituals that are relaxing, therapeutic and increase consciousness, love and trust.
Go deeper into shamanic processes that increase your personal power and help you to let go of fear and step into your desire and purpose.
Generate a stronger life-force energy within yourself and learn how to direct it and share it.
Read more about the the weekend here.
And if you feel excited, but a little bit scared, you can start by coming to an evening about Conscious sensuality with Robert.
June 2nd Evening with Robert, Skeppargatan 6, Stockholm
June 3-5 Deeper flow with Robert Silber, Skeppargatan 6, Stockholm.
The weekend workshop starts Friday evening
Feel free to ask me questions about these events.
Here you can listen to my podcast with an interview with Robert Silber.