
38. Valentina Franchi: "I met the void during the lock down". #charlottepodden

I got an invitation to a zoom-meeting some time in April and realized that Valentina Franchi wanted to connect with the world outside her flat, where she hade been since Italy chose a state of lock down, due to the corona virus, March 9th 2020.
And then I saw her more and more. Reaching out to friends - and I guess clients - as if life in lock down had become the new normal, and it was time to connect to others.
Later I got the impulse to contact her privately, to ask for a talk on how it is to live through a lock down. What happens within? What lessons can be learned? How is it to be with your self for such a long time?
And Valentina accepted and we had this talk mid May. 
To be it felt really important to listen to people who can witness about this unprecedented time. And I wanted to do it while it still happened. While it's alive.
And since Sweden choose social distancing instead of lock down, I really wanted to hear her out.
And there she was, reflecting on being trapped in her flat for more than two months, talking about the inner journey she is on, and to me it's really interesting.
Valentina is used to self reflection. We have a lot of common experience, from the tantric world and also from the Osho world. So we are both familiar with meditation, going deep within and stuff like that.
One of the early things she noticed was that she came to "the void" - which might be a terrifying experience, if you are not somewhat prepared for it. It might feel like a falling into a unknown, and can awaken for example fear of death or fear of loosing your mind or yourself. And to that space Valentina arrived ... and learned a lot about herself, coming in contact with different layers of her being.
- I wanted to slow down and feel what was happening inside me. One day I experimented with doing nothing, and from that experience I brought back my creativity, vision and joy. I had the chance to explore the void, and not to run away from it, Valentina says.

Liten to this talk, it might really be an opportunity for you to reflect about what you invite into your life.

One of the challenges doing talks like this on zoom is the sound. And I hope you can enjoy our talk, even though it lacks in perfection. <3


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  1. "Later I got the impulse to contact her privately, to ask for a talk on how it is to live through a lock down. What happens within? What lessons can be learned? How is it to be with your self for such a long time?"

    And here you go again, preserving someones experience from this weird and unique moment in time!

    "And to that space Valentina arrived ... and learned a lot about herself, coming in contact with different layers of her being."
    How glad I am to hear that she was open and willing to receive this experience, which, no doubt, has made quite an impact on her.

  2. Yes, and I think this really was an oppotunity - when the willingness is there. <3



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