
Sexsibility teachers: Barbara Carrellas and urban tantra

Photo: Barbara Nitke Barbara Carrellas is an intense person. She talks fast, she has a steady gaze and she has loads of experiences in...

Photo: Barbara Nitke

Barbara Carrellas is an intense person.
She talks fast, she has a steady gaze and she has loads of experiences in the sexual field.
And to her gender is an interesting thing and she knows a lot about transgender, transexuals, and have created Urban Tantra.
And she knows how to let the sexual energy flow through the body.
How about having a full body orgasm while being pierced or tattooed?

And she is one of the amazing teachers in the sexsibility training
I met Barbara Carrellas in the sexsibility training som years ago, and then I met her a year later, for a meeting among professionals in the sexual field. And I really love he. Both her varm heart, her courage, her willingness to explore pleasure, and to try new methods.

Every time I have her book Urban Tantra in my hand I get inspired. I feel welcomed into a world of energetic pleasure.

And she has a way of transforming other persons teacher to her own stuff. Meditation and breathing is important in her work. Without efficient (and often simple) breathing technique you will have difficulties in letting your sexual energy flowing through your body. And there are a lot of active meditations that can help you get in contact with your body, and from there learn more about your sexual energy and what turns you onn.
Urban tantra is sacred sex for out time. It’s tantra for everyone, regardless of sexual preferences, where you can increase your capacity for physical pleasure and spiritual well-being.

– I founded Urban Tantra® as a way of bringing people together to explore the vast range of sexual, spiritual and emotional possibilities open to all of us. Most of us have been taught to compartmentalize our lives—to keep our work, spiritual and erotic lives as separate as possible—in order to keep the peace and not offend anyone. I advocate exactly the opposite approach. When our erotic energy is aligned with our spiritual purpose, it releases our creativity and manifests in prosperity and happiness in all areas of life, including fulfilling relationships with other people.

In the Urban tantra module, I guess that Barbara will teach a bunch of techniques, and let you explore and get a glimpse of BDSM, the urban tantra way.

Barbara Carrellas has both a beautiful vision and a beautiful mission with her work:

Barbara’s Vision

Photo by Kate Bornstei

I Believe…
• that the universe is conspiring in our favor.
• that pleasure is good and ecstasy is necessary.
• in an embodied spirituality that celebrates the body as a path to spiritual growth, awareness and freedom.
• in the power of love to heal.
• that the combination of love, consciousness, and sexual energy can change anything.
My Mission …
• is to help people be more authentic, feel more deeply, love more consciously, and create their lives as great works of art.
• is to inspire and facilitate freedom, pleasure, health and creativity with sex, breath, and connection.
• is to leave the world a more erotic and enlightened place than I found it.

If you join the sexsibilty training you will have the possibility to meet Barbara Carrellas, a great and deeply inspiring teacher.

You can read several blogposts in my blog about Barbara Carrellas and her work. They are all in Swedish, byt you can use Google translate, to get an idea.
Here are som links:


Barbara Carrellas: Så skapar du sexmagi

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