
Tantra teacher Smrati Skog will join The JoyRide Experience

Nine years ago Alexander and me went to our first tantra group together. It was held by Smrati and Nisimo , and it was a long late ...

Nine years ago Alexander and me went to our first tantra group together.
It was held by Smrati and Nisimo, and it was a long late spring weekend.
And I met her sweet essence, and dived into her stories about the early years in the Osho community in Pune, India.
Since then she has had a place in my heart.
This year she is joining The JoyRide Experience and I am so happy yo welcome her.

I still remember this weekend in a venue in forests of west Sweden. We were a bunch of couples, interested in exploring depths of tantra and of our relationship in a loving atmosphere, where we could feel safe and held by the workshopleaders.

And I did. Smrati used exercises wich went deep in their simplicity, and I remember feeling a higher lever of intimacy in my meetings with my husband.

And there was also playfullness, and beauty and I had the possibility to ask question about the Osho community, being very curious at that time, just having finished mu Therapist Training at Odho Risk, without being a worshipper of the so called guru.

Since then our journeys have crossed now and than, Smrati for example being one of the teachers at the sexsibilityfestivals, inviting participants to join tantric rituals.

Now I ask her to tell my something about her own journey and her passion. She lets her words flow directly from her heart and this is what she communicates:

"My passion in life is to be and live more and more authentic , and then to share what I have found!
I bring it into the wold through my work, sessions and groups but also in every day  with myself, my beloved , friends and strangers.

There has been many defining moments in my life......the first one beeing 6 , my babybrother died and parents crazy with sorrrow.....i remember sitting in our livingrrom, hearing there crying through the closed bedroomdoor and realizing - "I have to take care of myself".....the sun was shining through the curtains and I felt free.

I started with Tantra  in Poona,India , I  was a lot exploring myself, meetings  , love , meditation, sensuality and sexuality. Tantra became an invitation to that a meeting can be so much more.

In Sweden it became a natural continuation that Nisimo and I created Tantraforum, and also that I continued alone or with my boyfriend some  years later. 

It's a joy to work with people,
I love to explore raw energy, body,breath, feelings and intimacy.  
I feel very grateful to share my ongoing journey in such a naked way. 
Looking forward to start "Seniortantra"!!!

Welcome to meet Smrati Skog at The JoyRide Experience, Hästveda augusti 9-14th. Five days of love and freedom. Buy your ticket here.

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