Jennie Rehbinder creates space for feminine sexuality at The JoyRide Experience
When I met Jennie Rehbinder a few months ago she held her firstborn daughter in her lap, and the smile was all over her face. I saw a...

I am so happy for her and her darling husband Calle, having longed for a child for years, and now she's here.
Jennie has been a part of my life for several years now, and I love her way of teaching around sexuality in a soft and playful way.
One of Jennies concerns is the yoni, and she makes workshops for women, encouraging them to love his wonderful part of the body.
We welcome her to The JoyRide Experience.
Calle and Jennie Rehbinder is a well known couple for people joining groups around sexuality in Sweden. They invite couples to be more intimate with each other, and to create both a sacred and playful space around their love life. And since they themselves are playful, they may introduce playful exercises for the couples to join.
And when Jennie is on her own, she gives soft massage and learn women more about their cunts, their yonis.
I saw the pregnant Jennie last year, and it was easy to see her as a symbol for the force of the yoni. The yoni is a temple, it's the big mystery. The magical cunt. The center of pleasure and the cradle of mankind.
Of course the Rehbinder family will join The JoyRide Experience, and I guess Jennie will give a workshop focusing feminina sexuality and the yoni.
Jennie is very aware of the fact that many women need a better relation to their sex. And tog change the view of the body in general, and the cunt specifically may be a key to more healing and sexual pleasure.
– Look at your body as a magical space. Se yourself as a god or a goddess and the body as your temple. With that attitude you can get stronger and more loving meetings, reach orgastic heights and get better sexual authority.
Now Jennie also can call herself a sexolog, since she for the last couple of years have studied sexology at the university.
Jennies aim is to educate people in sexual development.
– Thru my way of living, I hope to inspire other to greater courage, to dare to choose love, and to dare to think and do things in their own way.
And she also longs to contribute to lessen fears around sexual openness, and contribute to people feeling more free to be themselves.
I am looking forward to meeting Jennie Rehbinder this summer again, at The JoyRide Experience, Hästveda August 9-14.
I hope to see you there.
I am a part of #blogg100. This is day 70.