100%-podden SPECIAL meet Betty Martin creator of Wheel of consent

June 2015 I spent some days in Berlin, participating in a training led by american Betty Martin. It was called Like a pro and for four whole days we learned the principles of The wheel of consent, a way to give and recieve touch in a conscious way.
It was an explorative training, where we dived deep into the subject of touch, who is giving and receiving, and to really feel into what it is to take touch and to allow touch, compared to give touch as a service and accept that touch. The wheel of consent has helped me to clarify my own boundaries, and is a way to create a space between lovers or between a professional touch giver (like a masseur) that is safe for both parties. You can read a lot more about The Wheel of consent here and listen to some of Betty Martins teachings.
Me and Betty Martin met right after these days. I wanted to know more about her and how she got to the place we met. How is it to never be asked about what you want or what you need? How do you know when it's time to move on in life? And how amazing is it that a women, spending 20 years as a chiropractor, knowing so much about the body, started to explore her sexuality and ended up as the creator of the wheel of consent.
To many people working with touch, sensual touch and sexual touch, Betty Martin is a VIP person. And I agree. How to create spaces where we can enjoy, expand and not feeling bad about it is really important.
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And for Swedes: Eller ännu hellre prenumerera på podden! Det kan du göra här.
This is a #100procentpodden SPECIAL in English. Most of the episodes are in Swedish, since that is my mother tongue, and since I live in Sweden.
I hope you enjoy the space I create and here are links to some of the other episodes in English. Feel free to tell the world about 100%-podden.
Laurie Handlers
Andrew Barnes
Steven James
Baba Dez Nichols
Robert Silber
Charlotte Cronquist is a Swedish writer, blogger, coach deeply fascinated by the mystery and magic of life, of sexuality, spirituality and relationshops. She calls herself a warrior of love and her heart tells her that love is the answer. On her blog there are several posts in English.
Först av allt, ursäkta mina fel med ditt språk.
SvaraRaderaJag hänvisar till berättelsen om de två foster som diskuterar om Mor finns och om det finns liv efter födseln.
Jag är glad över att se den enorma framgång som denna berättelse har haft; surfa på webben i nästan alla språk.
Jag har inget emot när ingen författare nämns eller de säger att det är "Anonym". Men det är orättvist och oärlig (som det händer) när över 10 personer låtsas vara författaren (exakt samma ord, begreppsmässig fel, kommatecken och perioder), något omöjligt och ett tydligt tecken på plagiat.
Jag skrev att historia 1980 när min yngsta dotter föddes. Den publicerades för första gången 1985 i SUBUD International Cultural Association tidningen (Spanien fråga #2).
Jag har inte något problem som du delar det online, att du använder i seminarier eller diskussioner, även du kan inkludera den i någon av dina böcker, men som alltid anger att hela originalartikeln är "Boy and Girl" i boken "Morphogeny" av Pablo J.Luis Molinero; en historia som kan läsas helt (på engelska eller spanska; 16 sidor i stället för bara 12 linjer) i www.pablomolinero.com Wrintings Morphogeny.
Tack så mycket
I'm referring to the story about those two foetuses that are discussing whether Mother exists and whether there is life after birth.
SvaraRaderaI am pleased to see the tremendous success that this story has had; surfing the Web in almost every language.
I don’t mind when no author is mentioned or they say it is “Anonymous”. But it is unfair and dishonest when over 10 people pretend to be the author (of exactly the same words, conceptual errors, commas and periods), something impossible and a clear sign of plagiarism.
I wrote that story in 1980 when my youngest daughter was born. It was published for the first time in 1985 in SUBUD International Cultural Association magazine (Spain issue #2).
I don't have any problem you share it online, that you use in seminars or discussions, even you may include it in any of your books, but always indicating that it is inspired on "Boy and Girl" from the book "Morphogeny" by Pablo J.Luis Molinero; a story that can be read (in English or in Spanish) completely (16 pages instead of just 12 lines) in www.pablomolinero.com Wrintings Morphogeny.
Thank you so much