
100%-podden SPECIAL meet tantra goddess Estera Saraswati

Every time I meet her I am reminded: There are goddesses walking on this Earth, and Estera Saraswati is, to me, one of them.
And not just a goddess, but a blossoming, abundant tantric goddess.
And in August she comes to Sweden to be part of the tantrafestival at Ängsbacka - more about that in the end of this post.

Last summer I met Estera the first time. She was one of the facilitators at the ISTA Level 1 training at Ängsbacka (a transformational experience including sexuality, spirituality and shamanism). And to me she embodies a tantric goddess, with deep connections to Mother Earth and more sublime powers.

And then I met her in Greece, and some times I just needed to approach her, and greet her inner and outer goddess. It’s something in her being, that absolutely amazes me.

Parts of it, I guess, is that I felt in contact with her divine nature, but it’s not just that. I felt her force, her willingness to bring transformation to this world. In some moments I see a Kali in her, in others an Afrodite.

In the greek archipelago I saw her standing in the prow of the boat, almost like a figurehead,or a sea goddess, and letting her whole body being almost swallowed by the heavy waves. And in all that turbulence, and all this force of nature, I just saw a big smile on her face. It was like her power was more ignited by every wave.
In other moments I saw her as a worshipper of the most divine feminine, the power of the yoni, and in other moments, just standing in a star position, on deck, letting the Mediterreanean wind almost catch her.

And then I went to Poland, her land, her country, and I sank in to the Polish earth during an intensive week of ISTA Level 1 again. 

In february I made this interview with Estera, when hosting a evening workshop on The four pillars of tantra, in Stockholm. It was a deep meeting and I am happy to have her on my podcast.

Read more about the work of Estera Saraswati.

If it doesn't work to listen in your browser, try here instead.  

This is a #100procentpodden SPECIAL in English. Most of the episodes are in Swedish, since that is my mother tongue, and since I live in Sweden.

I hope you enjoy the space I create and here are links to some of the other episodes in English. Feel free to tell the world about 100%-podden.


Laurie Handlers

Andrew Barnes

Betty Martin
Steven James

Baba Dez Nichols

Charlotte Cronquist is a Swedish writer, blogger, coach deeply fascinated by the mystery and magic of life, of sexuality, spirituality and relationshops. She calls herself a warrior of love and her heart tells her that love is the answer. On her blog there are several posts in English.

Do you want to support Charlotte's podcast with 1 dollar per episode. You can do it thru patreon. Look here. 


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