Sexuality: To invoke powerful spirits

Suddenly there is thunder and lightning all over the place.
I feel our invocation of powerful spirits is manifesting almost immediately.
And this makes me go even deeper into the session.
Making love in the presence of embodied spirit is really something.
We are having a little ceremony, invoking deities, goddesses and spirits. As we do the rain starts pouring. It’s like the sky is opening and I feel the drips of the juices from above touching my body.
Walking indoors, to a flat were all the windows are open, we start a session together. It’s us and spirit. And then, just a few minutes into our intimate meeting, the thunder and lightning begins, and goes on and on and on.
At some moments I feel I dance with my goddess Kali, in others I am a hunted witch, and in some instants my being is there there protecting the feminine from the sexual aggressions of the masculine.
While the storm is happening it feels like us, our beings, our souls, our spirits, our bodies our witnessing capacity lives in totality and are being part of a huge healing session, were the masculine and the feminine can finally relax together and trust is coming thru.I feel how the masculine is holding the container in this energetic, tender and at the same time mind blowing meeting.
With every lightning it’s like something more is released and freed, and with every thunder it’s like we are regaining more power, to use when serving, in what ever fashion we are asked to serve.
The storm goes on for an hour or so. It’s in the middle of the night, and still, at many moments, the whole sky is enlightened and I wonder why I am so blessed to be witnessing the majesty of nature when it shows itself in full power.
It’s like we are at the edge during this session. There are moments of surrendering to death, to life, to accept what ever will be given, even if it means letting go of my physical body.
And I. being literally prepared to die, feel so vibrantly alive as never before.
When reflecting over this stunning meeting with my lover, Mother Earth and Father Sky, I see that I, when allowing to let my sexual energy flow, meet realms which widens my perspective and also makes it possible to enter levels of consciousness I didn’t know was possible to enter.
This last week, spending time with a great group of free souls, I had several session where I healed so much... sometimes it felt like I was healing more than myself, I felt so much healing in sexual relationships between men and women, and the wonderful experience of these two powers melting together.
So grateful for my life!
Charlotte Cronquist is a love warriorLove is the answer