
100%-podden special meet spiritual searcher Catherine Kirchman

I first met Catherine Kirchman in Israel last September. We were both attending a sacred sexuality festival, and where among the rather few people who didn't understand nor speak hebrew.

To be strangers in a strange land far away from home drew us together and when Catherine told e she usually lives in India, we decided to meet there in January this year. At the time I didn't know much about her story or her life, more than that she is an American living abroad.

Already in Israel we found out that we had some mutual threads in our lives, like an interest for the spiritual side of life, and diving deeper into the mysteries of life. We both share the idea that meetings - that seem to be totally random - have som kind of meaning.

And one of them were meeting again in India, taking tours on motorbikes in Goa and nearby, and getting to know each other more.

Catherine Kirchman left the U.S some twenty years ago, after a severe accident, and then started to explore the world, and after a few years rooting herself in Goa, India, where she now works as a spiritual teacher.

Meet Catherine, her insights and her contagious laughter in a talk we had in February 2017. I guess you can feel the presence of India, since some of her sounds is bubbling through.

Here you can meet Catherine with her spiritual name Premal.

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This is a #100procentpodden SPECIAL in English. Most of the episodes are in Swedish, since that is my mother tongue, and since I live in Sweden.

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I hope you enjoy the space I create and here are links to some of the other episodes in English. Feel free to tell the world about 100%-podden.


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Charlotte Cronquist is a Swedish writer, blogger, coach deeply fascinated by the mystery and magic of life, of sexuality, spirituality and relationships. She calls herself a warrior of love and her heart tells her that love is the answer. On her blog there are several posts in English.


Receiving magical strokes

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Premartha - The wizard who cracked me open, in all his softness

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Why do you talk about "her"?

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Charlotte Cronquist

Charlotte Cronquist
Bloggen för dig som vill få ut det mesta av livet. Författaren och coachen Charlotte Cronquist lär dig hur du får bättre relationer och hur du kan älska livet mer. Blogposts in English available.


Charlotte Cronquist erbjuder onlinekurser om tantra och relationer.



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