”Your hair is grey and you are getting fat”
I haven’t seen her in a while, in years really. She looks at me, tells me that she has had her hair done the other day, and wants to protect it from the sun.
She looks at me and says: Your hair is grey.
I say: It’s natural, and it’s more white than grey.
She says: It’s grey.
And then she goes on: And you are getting fat, why is that?
And I start to mumble: Well the virus and the social distancing…
And she interrupts and says: I do my workout every second morning, and I haven’t gained a kilo since i was 40.
She is a generation my senior.
And then her attention on me leaves. That was the only message she had. She sort of scrutinized me and stated that I am someone who don’t take care of my looks in the right way. I feel a bit sad.
And I remember one of my grandmothers mantras: ”A good girl doesn’t gain weight.” Gaining weight is a sign of a bad personage, it’s a sign of sloppiness”. And then she ate a leaf of salad.
To me it was like returning, for a minute, to a world of judgements, to a world where a woman is not supposed to age, and where it’s not okay to be natural. My natural hair seemed to be a shame in her eyes.
And I look myself in the mirror, and I love my natural hair, and I see some fluffiness around the waist, and I think: This is a sign that I feel good, when I am super thin it’s usually a sign of a severe crisis in my life.
And I hope I myself is less judgmental.
Reflections from your love warrior Charlotte Cronquist … and it all starts with self-love
#lovewarrior #reflection #love #selflove #judgements
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