What is my most precious secret about life?

The answer is so obvious, it’s almost invisible.
Because now I need to use capital letters.
It’s about LOVE. And that LOVE starts within.
When I take my torch to light up experiences during my life, there is a pattern. It’s about fear and love. Fear and love. Fear and love. And fear has so many expressions. Sometimes it’s hidden underneath something else. Like shame, or jealousy or envy. Sometimes the fear is there in daylight, and I can easily recognize it. Like my fear of heights, or my fear of failing, or my fear of being too much.
And I see that I, while trying to handle fear, push love aside, and make myself blind to it. It’s like fear, during long periods of my life, has been like a cloak of invisibility, present but invisible. And then I have only been aware of the fear, and felt like love was missing.
And now, while letting the torch lighting up many episodes, many meetings, many times, I can see that love actually was present, but that I didn’t notice it. I was too occupied by fears.
More than 20 years ago, in the last years of the 1990s I started to use this phrase, as I thought people public speaking: ”Be kind to yourself, think that you are good enough and take any opportunity to practice.”
Many years later, as love started to pour into my life, I realized that a person who really needed those phrases was myself. I was so hard on my self. So very hard. And I needed so start seeing myself in a kinder light. In the light of love.
So to me this is a truth: When I started to be kinder towards myself, love started to grow, and I started to notice love around me. And I have realized that my capacity for love is growing, as I have the capacity to receive love, both from myself, and from my surroundings. And now it’s like an upward spiral, where more love is created… as I turn on this way of looking at the world.
So start with self love and breathe.
Charlotte Cronquist is a love warrior
Love is the answer