Tantra for bachelorettes

The other day I had a woman on the phone. She was panning a bachelorettes party for a friend. And they wanted to add som tantra to the event.
I got an hour to present tantra to them.
And do you know … they were so happy afterwards, and I was told that the bride, at the end of the event had another waterfall… Curious?
What could I do to present tantra to a group of 15 people or so? What is relevant? What could give an imprint?
My answer is this: To get an experience of tantra, you need to feel it in your body. You could read about tantra, but without the experience, it might just be a concept in your head. And you can have all sorts of ideas about what tantra could be. (And often parts of them are actually wrong.)
I knew we would be outdoors, in semi-nature, that there would be rain and that there was a tarp there to sit under to hide from the rain. I also learned that the participants are interested in nature, and living a bit closer to nature.
So I had the idea to do eye gazing, maybe a tantric breath, and maybe a waterfall - and then talk a bit about breathing, presence, focus, senses and energy.
I was met at the parking, and 5-10 minutes walk away was the bachelorette gang. They had hidden in a slope near the water, and to come there I walked barefoot, not to fall in the slope. It went well, and also gave me a real good sense of being in nature, meeting both the element earth and water.
The eye gazing went so well, and it was like the people really went for that, and got an experience of presence, love and intimacy - to me it’s like witnessing magic unfold.
For a while, the rain stopped, and I asked them to stand around a fire that wasn’t lit. We stood there, dancing and doing some breathing exercises, in all it’s simplicity. And I felt happiness bubbling in me and around me.
And then, as the last piece, I showed them the waterfall and everyone wanted to take part of that. A person in the middle, two persons surrounding, starting out, rubbing the hands towards each other, until heat is there, and then from the top of the head, starting at the same time, slowly touching the person like a waterfall.
While this was happening, it was like the air was filled with oxytocin. It was like the world became more loving and friendlier. And I was so happy and grateful, for having facilitated this experience.
Lucky me!
Charlotte Cronquist is a warrior of love
PS: Do you want to try tantra in a safe way. My first courses since the pandemic started happens the first weekend in September. There is still some spaces left. I am vaccinated and want the participants to be that, or have antibodies. Let's create a loving space together.
(Event in Swedish.) You'll find the Playful tantra courses here.