
Polarity trainer Herman Ottosson learns men feel their masculine energy

This winter Herman Ottosson has had lot of attention for his raw man-concept. He has had the courage to speak about polarities, fr...

This winter Herman Ottosson has had lot of attention for his raw man-concept.
He has had the courage to speak about polarities, from a masculine point of view, in a society striving towards more equality.
He has been questioned by media, by some feminists and had a lot of media coverage, and he has evidently touched a need, a longing in many men, a longing to be more in contact with the masculine within.
Even if it may have felt to be in the middle of a gauntlet, it seems like Herman has gone through all noise, as a winner, with hordes of men, wanting to learn more about the raw man within.
And we are proud to present Herman Ottosson as one of our spectacular workshop leaders at The JoyRide Experience.

I can imagine that there has been moment when Herman Ottosson felt chased by Swedish media. And as I understand it, it was worth it. The media coverage made it possible for Herman to tell the world about his vision of what the healthy masculine could be in our society.

And then he went away to Bali, offering his annual retreats with yoga, raw food, and teaching, for both men and women. And as I write this he is slowly heading home from New York, were he, according to his Facebook wall has been successful … and I guess it’s about spreading the raw man concept to the big country in the west.

Sweden is a society characterized by  - among other things – the strive towards gender equality. We have had at least 40 years of female liberation, creating better conditions for women.

And while a lot has happened to women, there are men who have felt frustrated and confused … because what is a man supposed to be, and how is he supposed to act these days?

Herman invites men to feel their masculine power, ha has the courage to speak about polarities – the feminine and the masculine – in a society were he takes a risk doing that, and were his message risk to be misunderstood as a plead to women to step back into the kitchen.

As I interpret Herman’s work it’s not about gender, it’s about the masculine and the feminine aspects within us, and giving space to them.
And I have met men, being very much in their feminine, and losing their masculine, soft men, sometimes even regretting that they are born in a male body. And how attractive is that?

For some years now, entrepreneur Herman Ottosson has created the concept raw man, where men meet in their masculinity, and heal wounds necessary to heal to stand in their power. He creates men’s group were men meet as they are, share their feelings and feel safe enough to show their vulnerability.

As Herman says on the raw man web:
“Here you get support, a community and tools to grow as a human being in an environment which affirm your longing to challenges, the meaning of life, relaxing and loosen up as a man among other men.”

At the JoyRide Experience Herman will probably offer a raw man workshop, for all of you longing to be in your masculine for a few hours.

Welcome to The JoyRide Experience, August 9-14 in Hästveda, Sweden.
“Life filled with love, sex, and freedom to be you”.


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