
Meditation: Expand your inner space

You can read and record this meditation into your computer or smart phone. If you want you can mix it with music. Sit in a comfort...

You can read and record this meditation into your computer or smart phone. If you want you can mix it with music.

Sit in a comfortable position, as straight in your spine as possible while doing this meditation.

1. Close your eyes.
2.  Take three deep breaths down in to your belly. Breathe with your mouth open. Feel the air streaming through your body.
3. Keep on breathing calm and deep.
4. Begin to meet your body from inside. Imagine that you are one with the part of the body that is mentioned.
5. Focus your feet. Feel how the breathing touches your feet. Let your consciousness be with your feet in about one minute.
6. Move your focus to your calves. Let your consciousness be with your calves in about one minute.
7. Move your focus to your knees Let your consciousness be with your knees in about one minute.
8. Move your focus to your thighs. Let your consciousness be with your thighs in about one minute.
9. Move your focus to your pelvic area. Feel your pelvis from inside. Let your consciousness be with your pelvic area in about one minute.
10. Move your focus to your belly. Feel the belly from inside. Let your consciousness be with your belly in about one minute.
11. Move your focus to your chest. Feel your chest from inside. Let your consciousness be with your chest in about one minute.
12. Move your focus to your arms. Feel your arms from inside. Let your consciousness be with your arms in about one minute.
13. Move your focus to your head. Feel your head from inside. Let your consciousness be with your head in about one minute.
14. Move your focus to the top of your head. Watch with your inner view the head open up and receive energy from outside. Feel the energy like a yellow light that fills your body and that you also can but as a protection around your body.  Feel hos you get filled and protected by this strong energy. Let your consciousness stay here for a while.
15. Move your focus to your heart. Imagine that your heart is an inner room. Breathe in to this heart room. Imagine that your heart has a door to the outside world. Sit inside your heart and watch the world outside. Feel that you are safe in your inner room and watch. Breathe with soft and calm breaths. Enjoy to be in your own heart room. Stay here for some minutes.
16. Is there a message coming from your heart room? Say it out loud.
17. Take three deep breaths.
18. When you feel ready, open your eye and start stretching your body. 

This is en excerpt from my book "Have you no shame - liberate your sexual power" - at the moment only in Swedish as "Ingen skam i kroppen - frigör din sexuella kraft."


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