
Dive into spiritual dimensions of sexuality in the upcoming tantra festival at Ängsbacka.

The beat is there, I feel my body flowing, I leave my mind behind and let spirit, or the inner movement, guide me. It feels like I am part of a love tribe, and the man who guides this journey is Eugene Hedlund.

Next week you will have several occasions to go into the tribal tantra mode, when entering his space at the tantra festival at Ängsbacka, Värmland, Sweden. 

And he is just one of many exquisite tantra teachers to choose among.

The first time I came to Ängsbacka, I was impressed by the venue. The big buildings felt majestic and, even though it was winter, I saw the potential of summer festivals there.

This summer Ängsbacka has transformed into a space where people have had the possibility to meet different aspects of themselves, at festivals like the no mind festival, the yoga festival, the sexsibility festival and in the autumn the bliss festival. I am going to attend the tantra festival happening next week, to meet new and old friends, and to feel free to curiously connect with deeper parts of my self, including my sexuality, in meetings with myself and others.

There is so many beloved workshop leaders attending this years festival, and I am so happy to meet them again – several of them have already a space in my heart, and I guess that the ones I don’t already now, will find a space there as well.

Looking at the preliminary festival program I get excited, and since Eugene Hedlund is going to offer a lot of different things there… well, then I hope you will share my excitement for what he brings into the festival.

Eugene is one of these human beings, who started out living and working in the traditional world, counting money, being concerned about the outer appearance, minding about status and such. 

Suddenly he found himself on a European island, in a totally new environment and transformation happened. When he tells me this story, it’s as if he awakened to a totally new life. And as I understand him, this is a life where love is all around, and evolving around tantra in a wide sense. 

For years he as offered rhythms and dance to others, and the last few years his own special flavor of tantra has surfaced – the tribal tantra. And at the tantra festival you can join him in dancing, in tribal tantra, and more.

I must admit, Eugene has a special place in my heart. He has stayed in my home, I have had long talks with him, we have laughed together, I have felt seen in his presence, and I feel relaxed with him. I have also devoured many of his words, since he is an amazing author to be.

To me personally the fact that Eugene is given so much space at the tantra festival, is enough reason for me to go there… And the wonderful thing is… there is going to be so much more juiciness there.

If you join me (JOIN ME!) at the tantra festival, you will also have the possibility to meet – among many others Baba Dez Nichols, Lin Ananda Holmquist, Andrew Barnes, Herman Ottosson (in this blogpost naming the ones I have written about before).

Hope to see you July 28 at Ängsbacka. Book your tickets here. Spend five days with love, grace, tantra and be curious about the connection between sexuality and spirit. Du you want 10% reduction? Use my code LUST15 when buying your ticket and the reduction is yours (remember to use capital letters in the word LUST). 

This Youtube clip was made last year, to promote the The Joyride festival I held together with Alexander Rudenstam, my beloved husband at that time. 

If  you want more of Eugene - join this tribal tantra adventure later in August. 


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