
100%-podden SPECIAL Mario Cosmico body awakener

One of the first workshops I attended at the Ängsbacka tantra festival in August 2017 was one with Mario Cosmico. I ran up to the Strawbale house, because I know it's tiny and I really wanted to meet him and feel his energy. The buzz around him was already there. Some minutes after my arrivel the little house was over crowded, and soon there was around 50 women queuing outside. 
And then Mario came, and looked into the little hut and didn't believe his eyes. Instead of rejecting the women, he moved the workshop to a meadow, and I guess we were around 80 women there on the field, mushing different trigger points on each others body. It was an amazing experience, both painful and liberating.

And then I met him in a mixed workshop, were we worked on anger and guilt, by pressing hard on certain spots on the body. And I felt something loosening up in screams that could have frightened small children... and afterwards I felt powerful and extremely vulnerable at the same time.

So that was my first hand experience of Mario Cosmico when we met for this talk. We are sitting in the upper barn in Ängsbacka, Mario is using his body language alongside his voice, and sometimes he is far from the microphone... But even though the sound isn't perfect - I hope you can enjoy the energy of Maria Cosmico - a man who loves the Ocean, loves the waves, loves women and with a magical - and forceful touch...

He can give you healing waves... and travels around the globe. Catch him when you can.

Here is Marios webpage.

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Why 100%-podden?

The world is filled with people who live their dreams and listen to their hearts. It's both inspiring and encouraging to listen to them, to meet them, and to talk to them. 
The podcast was born from curiosity, wonder and a longing to share, the amazement of being.
I started the podcast in 2015. Most of the episodes are in Swedish, but now and then I have the opportunity to meet people from other parts of the planet... and sometimes a meeting happens.
I have been working as a journalist for more than 35 years and the least 20 years I've searched the answer to the question: Who am I? The result is an ongoing inner journey, that has made me more real, more in the moment, more stable. And from these spaces I meet people in the podcast.
I have no prepared questions, and I meet them with my curiosity and presence. I hold the space for the call, and then we dive in the water together, and the depth of our meeting is dependent on the flow of the moment.
I do this as part of my mission to be a warrior of love. I still have no economy in this project, but i go on (now nearly 100 episodes). I am really proud to say I do all the work myself - and at the same time I have a great longing for co-operation. If you would like that, please tell me. <3

Here you can subscribe to the podcast. It´s free!

I hope you enjoy the space I create and here are links to some of the other episodes in English. Feel free to tell the world about 100%-podden.


Andrew Barnes

Baba Dez Nichols

Betty Martin

Estera Saraswati

Laurie Handlers

Mai Vu

Matt Schwenteck

Ohad Ezrahi

Robert Silber

Silja Rehfeldt

Steven James

Charlotte Cronquist is a Swedish writer, blogger, coach deeply fascinated by the mystery and magic of life, of sexuality, spirituality and relationships. She calls herself a warrior of love and her heart tells her that love is the answer. On her blog there are several posts in English.


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Charlotte Cronquist

Charlotte Cronquist
Bloggen för dig som vill få ut det mesta av livet. Författaren och coachen Charlotte Cronquist lär dig hur du får bättre relationer och hur du kan älska livet mer. Blogposts in English available.


Charlotte Cronquist erbjuder onlinekurser om tantra och relationer.



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