
Receiving magical strokes

I am about to receive a session with sensual strokes.  I am here to feel the strokes, and also to have an experience of this kind of strokes. I feel softly excited, curious and safe. I’ve felt his hands before, and know that I can trust his intuition, his intention, and I relax.

I chose to lay on my belly, panties on. I breathe. I sense a nice smell of oil, later I learn that the flavor is lemongrass, and when his hand touches my back, it’s softly oiled. And as he slowly and firmly strokes my back, I feel the warmth of his hands, and notice how he is spreading the oil, through his hands into my skin. It’s a slow movement. And it feels like he is touching me deeply. Like the oil, his hands and his arms, reaches into me. It’s like the slowness of the movement, and the fact that he is using some pressure, makes my energy body awaken.

It’s tricky to describe these sensations, and still I want to try. The slowness, the firmness, creates a sense of being touched also inside. It’s like there is a layer, under my skin, or in the deeper parts of my skin, that are being touched, as well as the surface.

I deeply enjoy the slow touch. As he moves his body, it’s like I also sense his intention in the touch. And I start to melt. He continues to stroke my back, and it’s like I am softening by this touch, it’s like I am softening both in body and mind. It’s like I am transferred to a universe with no sense of times. I am in timelessness, floating, feeling, sensing and being.

As I sense his care for me I relax even deeper, and my body starts to vibrate. And it’s like there is a dance between our energies. Something in him knows what touch I would benefit from, where my energy is activated, and I am in a state of being seen, being touched, being allowed to just be. Another metaphor could be that he is a river, and I am something that floats down streams in the river, totally safe, just allowing the floating, the being, the surrender.

He continues touching me using long, strokes. I have my eyes closed, I just want to be in this universe, relaxing, sensing, and also feeling how the inside of my body is awakened to pleasure. My body starts shivering. At times he is using his whole body, to touch me, at least, thats what it feels like.

Later, much later, as I am at the same time totally relaxed, and filled with energy, vibrating, my boyfriend approaches. The body worker shows him how to stroke my body, and now I have four hands touching me. At some moments, I am laying on my back, I am in a state of bliss. I feel so seen, so held, so loved. There has been no genital touch, and still my body is totally awakened, in a state of total pleasure. I am sensing that I am laying on the ground, on each side of me is not a mountain, rather a river slope (the two men) and it’s a starry night, and I lay there, looking up to the stars. And my body is not just vibrating, it’s shaking, and they hold me. 

The only aspect of time I have is this: Let me stay in this state for ever. This state  of bliss, this state of pleasure, this state of being held, being seen, being cared for, being loved. This state of being.

And the strokes and the presence of the men took me there. To gratefulness. There are tears in my eyes. Tears of joy. 

Thank you Lars Eriksson. 

Charlotte Cronquist
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